FC St. Pauli, 1st German Bundesliga
With the step of making the FC St. Pauli homepage technically customizable, FC St. Pauli is taking the next important step towards making its communication with fans and members more accessible. At the start of the "Klartext St. Pauli" project, changes were already implemented on the Kiezkicker's match days last year. For example, the Boys in Brown team line-up is now displayed in sign language. At the same time, it is possible to receive AFM radio throughout the stadium via an FM frequency.
The aim now is to break down barriers in the digital space as well and give all fans the opportunity to receive information about FC St. Pauli independently and without major problems. FC St. Pauli has now installed an assistance software on its homepage that makes the homepage individually customizable. You can find the assistance software in the lower left area of our homepage.
What will be possible in the future?
With the digital assistant, every user can make their own settings on our homepage. For example, font size, line spacing or different contrasts can be set. You can also hide images, activate blue filters and modify the homepage to suit your individual color preferences. These settings are saved locally. This ensures that no user information is passed on to third parties.