
We say thank you and Merry Christmas!

Wir sagen Danke und frohe Weihnachten!Weihnachtsmotive wie Rentiere und Weihnachtsmützen.Our first corporate year is drawing to a close. It is therefore time for us to say thank you! To everyone who supported us in our mission and shared the vision with us. While we still successfully finished our crowdfunding campaign at the beginning of the year, we were still busy finalizing our go-live afterwards. But even before we could make Eye-Able available to everyone, we already had the second reason to celebrate: We won at BayStartUP and entered the finals of the Bavaria-wide business plan competition!

In April, the time had come: Eye-Able is ready to make our partners' websites accessible to even more people! We started directly with the first ministries that equipped their websites with Eye-Able and were able to start directly with success - yeah!

We continued with our vision, which of course we had to bring into the world. Software can help even more people to participate in the digital world - that's what we are fighting for until today! So we participated in the Bavarian Digital Award and started with our first fairs in the second half of the year! After the Kommunalmesse in Tulln/Vienna, we had the chance, as one of the last 30 StartUps out of hundreds of applications, to present our assistance software at the GROW SUMMIT in front of well-known big names of the StartUp scene. In the same week, we went on to Dortmund to make websites even more accessible at the opticians' trade fair.

The last quarter of the year started with another trade fair: At the KOMMUNALE in Nuremberg we had quasi home game! On a total of two days, we were able to further improve the digital accessibility of municipalities and had nice conversations and inspiring feedback again and again. With a pile of cookies, we are now heading into the Christmas season stronger than ever - and thus into planning for the new year 2022!

Generally speaking, there is only one thing left for us to do at this point: Say thank you. Without you, the first year of our company would definitely not have gone as smoothly as it did. For this reason, a big Gracias, Malo, Thank you, Shukriyaa, Spasiba, Arigatō, Asante, Merci - here's to a happy new year!

Finally, a brief word of greeting to you from our Managing Director:

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If it may be a little more


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A man and a woman look at a monitor and laugh