
Barrier Breakers - Eye-Able® and Glücksliga for more inclusion in sports

A computer screen can be seen with Eye-Able Assist opened on the Website of Glücksgefühle. In the down left corner is the stick figure symbol of accessibility and in the upper left corner the Eye-Able Logo is depictured."Glücksliga Deutschland is an initiative that aims to give disabled children and young people the opportunity to play their favorite sport. Just like other kids". That's a motto that is right up our alley!

We at Eye-Able® are thrilled that the Glücksliga, founded by Andreas Stolle and Maria Ravn Jørgensen, has integrated our assistance software Eye-Able Assist® into their website. This great initiative enables children and young people with disabilities to play their favorite sports in inclusive teams.

The Glücksliga: Sport for all!

The Glücksliga is committed to ensuring that children and young people with disabilities can play their favorite sports just like everyone else. Inclusion is actively promoted through the establishment of so-called "Glücksteams" in sports clubs.

Glücksteams are inclusive sports groups within the Glücksliga that are specially created for children and young people with disabilities. These teams enable participants to play sports with others and stay active, regardless of their individual abilities. Lucky Teams are integrated into existing sports clubs, promoting social inclusion through sport. The Glücksliga supports clubs in setting up these teams and is committed to ensuring that all children have equal opportunities to participate in sport.

Eye-Able Assist®: More than just a feature

The Glücksliga uses Eye-Able Assist®, an innovative assistive software that makes it possible to visually adapt a website to individual needs. One of its features, for example, is intelligent font enlargement, which makes it possible to enlarge text without affecting the layout of the website. Users can also adjust the contrast and use different color filters to adapt websites to their liking. The software also comes with a screenreader, which helps people with visual impairments understand content audibly. With over 25 accessibility features, Eye-Able Assist® makes the Web more accessible.

Click here to visit Eye-Able Assist®

Together with Eye-Able®, Glücksliga is setting a strong example for digital and social accessibility. We are proud to be part of this journey and work together to make the web and the world a little more accessible.

To learn more about the Glücksliga or to start your own Glücks-Team, visit their website: Glücksliga Deutschland - Glücksliga Deutschland (

Together we can create more inclusion - online and offline!


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A man and a woman look at a monitor and laugh