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Political participation for all - barrier-free elections

People at the polling station

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People at the polling station

Political participation for all - barrier-free elections

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People at the polling station

Where are inclusion and accessibility more relevant than in political elections? We live in a democratic society in which concepts such as pluralism and diversity are writ large. It must therefore be all the more important for us to give all people a voice in this. When it comes to the practical implementation of elections, people who need support can encounter a variety of problems. In the following article, you will learn what these problems can be and what is being done to remove these barriers.


Especially in Bavaria, the topic could not be more topical: On October 8, 2023, the state and district elections will be held here. A high voter turnout is essential for survival. Political participation for all is the keyword. The equal right of all people to vote is already laid down in the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights:


  • Art. 1: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."


  • According to Article 2, this right may not be taken away from anyone because of their "race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national and social origin, property or other status".

Political participation for all, but how?

As numerous as the forms of disabilities are, as diverse can be the barriers they create. And of course this also applies to the topic of "voting".

For people with a visual impairment or a cognitive impairment, for example, it can be fundamentally difficult to obtain the necessary information about the elections in the first place (about the parties/politicians, their election programs, accessibility of the polling stations, etc.). This information as easily accessible as possible can be a great help. In this regard, even the accessible design of the respective party's website can make a difference. So: make all information available in simple language, use sufficient color contrasts and easily legible font type and size, and include subtitles on videos, etc.


Without knowledge, voting is bad. Accessibility to information is an absolute necessity when it comes to elections. To this end, the Bavarian government is providing a so-called "Election Help Booklet" available. This summarizes the most important facts about elections, in simple language.


The booklet can be ordered here...



or also be downloaded.



Of course, the active, barrier-free design of the local polling station is also indispensable for the equal treatment of all. There are various aspects that should be taken into account here to make life easier for people with various disabilities.

For example, it can help to make the polling place infrastructure as clear as possible. This can mean keeping the paths well lit and signposted and as free of obstacles as possible. Of course, there should also be barrier-free access to the building. As far as design is concerned, the Bayer federal government has also published a flyer with some tips.


You can find this here: https://www.behindertenbeauftragter.bayern.de/imperia/md/content/stmas/behindertenbeauftragte/bayer_behindertenbeauftragter_flyer_barrierefreie_wahllokale_barrierefrei.pdf


The tips mentioned here are just a few, out of many, that can help make equal political participation possible for all people. Together, we can give everyone a voice and create a future where everyone has a say.

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