🎉 New tool: Simple language. Click the button and try it out live
It's a pity that you are leaving. We hope we will see you again soon anyway!
Oliver Greiner
Managing Director

See you soon - your Eye-Able®-Team!

How can we improve?

We will gladly try to implement your feedback.

Gartenstraße 12c
97276 Margetshöchheim

Still give us your ❤️ on Google?

Eye-Able® allows me to surf the Internet on the PC without sitting directly in front of it - with 10% residual vision, that's not a given.
Lennart Hessler
10 % Residual vision
Working in the office, preferably in the evening - only with a blue filter. It has also really helped my older employees. Thanks to the team!
Wolf Schmidt
CEO, wearer of glasses