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Browser compatibility and mobile view

A laptop stands on a desk. A woman is sitting in front of it and working.

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Eye-Able is compatible with all modern browsers, both desktop and mobile.
A laptop stands on a desk. A woman is sitting in front of it and working.

Browser compatibility and mobile view

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A laptop stands on a desk. A woman is sitting in front of it and working.
Eye-Able is compatible with all modern browsers, both desktop and mobile.

The Eye-Able software is developed in JavaScript (JS) and therefore executable on any modern browser and device. Other technologies used are stylesheets (CSS) and images in .jpg, .png or .svg format. All used files are additionally compiled (minification) for size reduction and speed optimization. The software is simply integrated via a script-Tag at any place on the website, usually in the header.


Browser compatibility

Eye-Able is compatible with all modern browsers, both desktop and mobile. Supported browsers include: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, All Chromium browsers, Samsung Internet, Tor browser and others. In order to guarantee full functionality of the website even on very old browsers or versions, Eye-Able itself checks the availability of certain JS techniques at startup. If these are not implemented, Eye-Able will not be displayed.


Mobile version
Eye-Able can also be used on mobile devices without any problems. The range of functions is slightly reduced, as some functions, such as tab navigation or the larger mouse pointer, have no use on mobile.

Simple for all

Interest aroused? We will be happy to help you.

With over 25 functions for digital accessibility, Eye-Able also helps you to reduce your barriers in the long term. In this way, you make your information accessible to all and do not exclude any visitors - in short: you tap into a new target group without high marketing volumes.

Icon shows accessibility figure


Non-binding consultation on digital accessibility in general

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Discussion of possible optimization potential on your website

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Live Demo

Presentation of the assistance software directly on your website

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